Saturday, January 7, 2012

Child Lead Play

It's a common site now days to see kids in a room full of toys that light up, move, talk, and only go with others like it.... and theres the :" I'm bored!" "Mine!" and "Batteries!" being said every four seconds. I know. I lost my path and this was where our house was headed. Kid's are resourseful, if you give them a chance. Rocks, sticks, bricks, dirt, water... every child has played with these because they are natural play things. You can do soo much with them!
Here's our challenge for you. Clean out those toys with batteries. Add a box of rice, some rocks, a tarp or table, and multiple spoos/cups. Time your childs before and after interaction with thier toys. You may be surprised. Let the child addmtoys to the mix. Let them paint on rocks, old CDs, there favorite train. Why not? It's washable! Let them explore what happens when Teddy takes a trip through the mud. Give them paint on a rainy day and paint outside on the slide. Blow bubbles at a fan. SAY YES! If your not Okay with something, give them more options! Lets smash this ice instead of that toy! Lets paint this glass instead of the window. Lets try the water instead of paint!


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