The dreaded age difference!!! Add onto it a gender difference and wow! Talk about stress in daily play! And what if there are special needs children involved?!? These are some ways to integrate play!!
I highly suggest reading the busy box post, as these are great tools for keeping little ones or older ones busy when your trying to dedicate time to the other!!! Please enjoy these other helpful tips!!!
1. Assess each Childs needs!!! What are there strengths, weaknesses??? Are they successful in fine motor, but cannot grasp language? Are they strong at assessing problems, but constantly asking you for help?? (don't worry!!! I'll touch on these subjects more, and do a scenario in the bottom!)
2.Assess your materials: time, place, physical tools, your dedication
3.Find a way to combine all these aspects!!
The best scenario I can give is canvas painting. My son was strong in fine motor, but not in patience. Step daughter could do things for hours, but struggled with language, fine motor, and color recognition. I gave each child a canvas, and sat between them with different paints, and brushes, stamps, and cars. I put three colors in small amounts on my sons canvass and gave him three brush options, then put one color on step daughters, with a large brush. I stated the colors name, and showed her how to move the paint. When son was bored, I gave him more colors, let him choose colors, or gave him a new brush/car/stamp. I'd slowly give step daughter another color, and a smaller brush, letting her adapt, and again starring the color, talking about what she's doing, and getting small responses. In the end, they both enjoyed the activity, but differently. Step daughter ultimately gave up on the brushes, but that was ok! She used her body and hands:) I learnt about them, they about art! The canvasses still hang in our play space as a reminder that different kids are always able to create equally amazing art, as long as you allow them there own way!!!
I hope this helps!!! More posts to come!
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