Wednesday, January 18, 2012

taking time for you

i cannot stress the importance of this post enough! Kids feed off of our emotions, and our habits. If we, as parents, choose to sit on the couch with a bag of crisps watching telly all day, its going to be hard to expect them to want to do anything different! if we are feeling low, they will too! Here are my tips on taking time for
Get up an hour earlier in the morning! Use this time a chore that never gets done (self )esteem and stress goes down!) exersize while catching up on a show you never have time for, read a book, and make a healthy meal! Your kids will LOVE to help with this, and what an improvement to a bah hum morning!

During naps, start a blog, or journal! Call that old friend you never talk to! ( Oh and naps are necsicarry until a child turns six, then it is optional. Sleep is a must until 6, after, quiet activities for at least an hour to regenerate!!!)

(have a chikd who fights naps? fight back! keep them in there room, and do not let them leave their bed/mat. explain to them its important to sleep to grow! read them a book, and leave the room. If they come out, right back to the bed with just a simple "time for bed sweetie". if it hapoens again, no words, no juice, no water, no book. straight back to bed. I know it may seem harsh, but it works!!! )

When hubby comes home, spend family time, then sneak away for a run, bubble bath, or even just a drive! Meditate on your day so that when it comes to sleep time, it's SLEEP time :)

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