Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Parental role

After my run tonight, I had a lovely chat with a friend, and instantly I knew which parenting subject to discus. What exactly is our role as a parent?

Many arguments can come from this question. For example, if you ask my dad, it is to protect me from any and all harm. My mom, it's to give me everything I need to succeed... And that was fine enough. I turned out well!! It's never really an issue on how you raise your child, but why? What influence do you want to have on them? I may be a daddy's girl with a need to tell my mom everything that ever goes on(in hopes she helps out lol) but... I'm a good person. A god fearing, always willing to help out and do good person. I'm accepting, non judgmental... So I assume my parents did something right. There of course are things that could have been improved (yes dad... I'm bringing up the trampoline here!!).

Trampoline scenario. All my life. Gymnastics, dance, cheer... All I wanted was a trampoline. Too dangerous! Ha. My friends had one... Nope. But they have nets??? Nope. Why? Too dangerous (I get it sheesh) but what did I hear ?? "I don't trust you to make good decisions with this" where did that leave me? Feeling like I couldn't do anything right. Was that his intention??? NO! But that's where it took me.

What I'm trying to reinforce is that as a parent were going to make mistakes. We will make our kids feel bad, worthless, embarrassed, and shamed. But I'll take that over a kid who feels angry, hate, distrust, and resentment any day. We can try to change how our kids act, but raising responsive kids comes down to this:

You must have clear morals set up for your family!
You must believe and trust in them!
You must be consistent!
You must give them opportunities to fail and thrive
And you must challenge them!!!

If you want your child to take the world as it is, and be a powerful impact on it, believe in them! If you are a faithful person, like me, trust that god has their hearts and that should be plenty!

Remember, we are teachers. We are not best friends, buddies, protectors, or a utopia leader... Were the first 18 years of an 80 or so year life... And I pray the 62 years after this are years of helping others, kindness, and love for my kids! What do you want for yours??

Go prepare them to respond to the world! Go raise responsive kids!!! :)

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